Time for change!

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

I have come to learn early on in life with family and then with a wife that moved around the world as an expat kid that ‘Change’ is not always welcome! Change is hard, at times confusing and more so deliberately disheartening for people who aren’t used to it!

However, the misuse of understanding stability and change is often too common. Changing doesn’t mean losing stability but it does gain a different perspective to making life more secure.

Change in its essence can resemble good when God is in the centre of making changes!

A different viewpoint and understanding are often what is needed to implement change with heartfelt concern.

Notice ‘heartfelt’ not insensitive, pushy or intolerable. Change is good if it means growth. However, change needs unity, support and encouragement. Often done with a purpose to achieve new heights


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